
General Questions

Certainly! You have the flexibility to link any wallet to your CoinPayUp account.

We do not recommend linking an exchange wallet with CoinPayUp. Instead, we highly encourage connecting your cryptocurrency addresses from decentralized wallets for optimal compatibility.

No, there are no monthly fees or hidden charges. Our pricing structure is straightforward and transparent. When you use our services, you won't encounter any additional costs beyond what is clearly stated.

Yes, we offer a test environment for users. Upon logging into your account, you can switch between the live and test environments by selecting the option located on the top right-hand side of the interface. This allows you to test and experiment with our platform without affecting real transactions

Certainly, you can seamlessly integrate CoinPayUP with your online store using our REST APIs. To get started, log in to your CoinPayUp account and access the 'Connect' menu option. This will provide you with the necessary information to connect our services within your online store.

Currently CoinPayUp supports Bitcoin, USDT and TRX.

About CoinPayUP

CoinPayUp provides a seamless solution for merchants to accept cryptocurrency payments on their websites by leveraging REST API integration. This means that businesses can easily integrate our technology into their online platforms, allowing them to offer their customers the option to pay with cryptocurrencies like USDT, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. This expands payment choices for customers and opens up new revenue opportunities for merchants in the fast-growing world of digital currencies. Our secure and user-friendly REST API integration ensures a hassle-free implementation, making it easy for businesses to embrace cryptocurrency payments while maintaining the highest standards of security and convenience for their customers.

At CoinPayUp, security is of paramount importance. We take extensive measures to safeguard sensitive aspects of the payment process that are under our management, such as the purchase confirmation webhook and checkout creation. These components are meticulously encrypted and meticulously developed with a strong focus on security.

At present, our business model does not mandate the acquisition of such licenses. This is due to the fact that we do not function as a payment gateway or payment processor. Instead, our role is that of a bridge, facilitating seamless connections between your cryptocurrency wallet and your website, ensuring efficient and secure cryptocurrency transactions.

Our business model allows for universal support, making CoinPayUp available and functional worldwide.

We prioritize user privacy and security. At CoinPayUp, we have a strict policy of not collecting any of your customer data, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or any other contact information.

Account Setup

It's important to note that once you have registered with CoinPayUp, you cannot change the email address associated with your account. General.

To change your language preference, please log in to your account, click on the user icon located in the top right corner, access your settings, and select your desired language.

Exchange rate applies on fiat to crypto currency conversion. To avoid USD to USDT exchange rate, select "Yes"

There are not 2 type of payment detection methods. If "Exact Payment" is chosen, the sender must send the amount displayed on the payment page. When opting for "Sender Wallet Address," the sender must provide their wallet address for payment verification.

By enabling this option CoinPayUp system will also verify those payments which underpaid. For instance, If you specify a $5 underpayment limit, a $98 payment for a $100 transaction will be accepted as successful.

Partner Program

Certainly! You can participate in our partner program. Click here to contact our partner program. In order to become a partner, you will need to provide information about yourself or your business. Our management team will review the information, and upon approval, you will be granted a partner account.

Indeed, you have the capability to add your customers directly from your partner account. This feature enables a streamlined process for managing and serving your clients through your partnership with us.

Every partner account is equipped with a unique signup link. When a customer signs up using your referral signup URL, they will be automatically added to your partner account.

Our partner payout policy maintains a minimum limit of $50, and you can expect your profits to be transferred to your wallet account by 1st of every month.

You have the authority to offer discounts to your customers. This flexibility allows you to tailor your pricing and promotions to better serve your clients and potentially attract more business.

Manage Everything in Your Hand

Custom Checkouts

Customize your payment options by selecting from a wide range of supported cryptocurrencies.

Flexible Invoices

Streamline your billing and invoicing process with Coin Pay Up.

Business Reporting

Efficient tools for transaction reporting and financial reconciliation.